Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement in Batken and Talas Regions Project (RWSSIP BT)


The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project (RWSSIP) is currently being implemented in 25 villages of the Kyrgyz Republic (KR).

The Project Development Objective is to assist the Kyrgyz Republic: (i) in improving the availability and quality of water supply in target rural communities, (ii) in improving sanitation services in selected villages and (iii) in strengthening the capacity of institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector.

This objective will be achieved by mobilizing financial resources (i) to improve the quality of municipal services, such as water supply, through the reconstruction or construction of new water supply systems; (ii) to improve sanitation facilities and supply necessary laboratory and IT equipment; (iii) to build the capacity of government departments, local authorities, rural public associations of drinking water consumers.

The main beneficiaries of the Project are residents of participating villages and water supply enterprises in Jalal-Abad region.

The Project is expected to benefit more than 78,000 residents through improved water services, improved sanitation facilities in schools, other public buildings and households.

Sources of financing:


Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)

Total amount of financing:

23 000 000 USD

IsDB loan amount:

15 000 000 USD

Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD) loan amount:

5 000 000 USD

Grant amount:


Contribution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic:

3 000 000 USD

Geographical coverage:

Jalal-Abad region (Toktogul, Ala-Buka, Aksy, Bazar-Korgon, Suzak districts)

Implementation period:

2017 – 2022


The project consists of the following components:

Component 1: "Rehabilitation of rural water supply and sanitation systems." The objective of this component is to meet the needs of the population for the rehabilitation of existing and/or construction of new water supply systems and sanitation facilities.

Component 2: “Supply of O&M equipment, laboratory and IT equipment for surveillance and billing systems.” The objective of this component is to supply equipment for operation and maintenance, laboratory and IT equipment for sanitary and epidemiological surveillance (SES) and a billing system. One of the important issues of the component is also capacity-building and institutional strengthening of the Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance at the district level, which, within the framework of their mandate, are responsible for testing and certification of drinking water quality and carry out preventive measures for diseases associated with the quality of drinking water.

Component 3: “Sanitation Capacity Strengthening and Institutional Development”. The objective of this component is capacity building in sanitation issues and institutional development. This component aims to assist in improving sanitation conditions in target rural communities and strengthening institutional capacity at the local level to support the implementation of the Strategy of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and conduct preparatory work for the development of the framework program.

Component 4: "Consultancy: design and supervision." The objective of this component is to finance (I) the preparation of design estimates for water supply systems and sanitary facilities; (II) supervision of construction and installation works; and (III) baseline study and assessment of the impact of the Project.

Component 5: "Project Management". The objective of this component is Project management activities related to (I) the maintenance of ARIS personnel, provision of necessary equipment, travel and operating expenses, monitoring and evaluation program; (II) carrying out an external financial audit and (III) conducting an introductory seminar and familiarization visit to the IsDB office.

The lead agency of the Project is the Department for the Development of Drinking Water Supply and Sewerage, whose role includes overall sector coordination and strategic support, interaction with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and donors, selection of priority villages for inclusion in the list of subprojects, identification and establishment of priority activities of the sector, including investment infrastructure and institutional support, as well as assistance to ARIS in the implementation of the Project.


Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement in Batken and Talas Regions Project (RWSSIP BT)

The Project Development Objective is to assist the Kyrgyz Republic in: (i) improving the availability and quality of water supply in target rural communities, (ii) improving sanitation services in selected villages and (iii) strengthening the capacity of institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector.

This objective will be achieved by mobilizing financial resources (i) to improve the quality of municipal services, such as water supply, through the reconstruction or construction of new water supply systems; (ii) to improve sanitation facilities and supply necessary laboratory and IT equipment; (iii) to build the capacity of government departments, local authorities, rural public associations of drinking water consumers.

It is expected that the number of Project beneficiaries will be over 150,000 people living in participating villages in Batken and Talas regions. The majority of beneficiaries in the areas covered by the Project will be provided with access to piped drinking water through the connection of new households. In addition, village residents (mainly children) will directly benefit from investments made in sanitation facilities and associated health promotion and behavior change activities in schools and other eligible government institutions (eg hospitals and clinics).

Sources of financing:


IsDB and Saudi Fund for Development (SDF)

Total amount of financing:

60 000 000 USD

IsDB loan amount:

20 000 000 USD

SFD loan amount:

30 000 000 USD

Grant amount:


Contribution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic:

10 000 000 USD

Geographical coverage:

44 villages in Batken region and 17 villages in Talas region

Implementation period:

2020 – 2024


The project consists of five components:

Component 1: "Civil Works: Rehabilitation of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation": This component will address the needs for rehabilitation of existing and/or construction of new water supply systems and sanitation facilities as follows: (I) rehabilitation of water supply systems, including supply and installation of electrical/mechanical installations for the water production system (wells, water intake sites, water intakes, etc., as well as for water disinfection, and, as necessary, pumping out water), transmission and distribution (networks, storage tanks, meters, etc.) to households in target areas; (II) construction and reconstruction of sanitary facilities in public places (in schools or other similar public buildings, such as pre-school institutions, clinics).

Component 2: "Supply of equipment for operation and maintenance, laboratory and IT equipment for surveillance and invoicing systems." To ensure the sustainability of the water supply system in the target area, the Project provides for the purchase and supply of the necessary equipment and machinery for operation and O&M to the operating Rural Public Association of Drinking Water Consumers owned by the aiyl okmotu, including (I) the supply of vital equipment for operation and maintenance for local governments and equipment required to carry out O&M for 50 operators of CDWPV systems; (II) supply of laboratory equipment and IT equipment for services/centers of Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic in each of the 9 districts; (III) supply of IT equipment to implement a billing system and improve the provision of water supply services.

Component 3: “Sanitation Capacity Strengthening and Institutional Development”. This component will be aimed at helping to improve sanitation conditions in target rural communities and strengthening institutional capacity at the local level to support the implementation of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic Strategy and conducting preparatory work for the development of a framework program that will include: (i) billing system and improvement provision of water services (for example, support in setting tariffs, implementing billing and collection systems, training in operation and maintenance, testing water quality, establishing customer relations, etc.); (ii) capacity building activities and visits to successful subprojects previously completed under previous projects; (III) capacity building activities and exchange visits on sanitation and hygiene issues to sites previously completed under previous projects; and (IV) communication activities and public awareness campaigns to promote sanitation and hygiene.

Component 4: "Development of design and estimate documentation and technical supervision." The component includes financing of (I) preparation of design and estimate documentation for water supply systems and sanitary facilities; (II) supervision of construction and installation works, and (III) baseline study and assessment of the impact of the Project.

Component 5: Project Management. This component will finance Project costs for staffing, consulting services and equipment, monitoring and evaluation program and financial management, including internal and external audit.

The lead agency of the Project is the Department for the Development of Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation, whose role includes overall sector coordination and strategic support, interaction with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and donors, selection of priority villages for inclusion in the list of subprojects, identification and establishment of priority activities of the sector, including investment infrastructure and institutional support, as well as assistance to ARIS in the implementation of the Project.

Financial statements

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Финансовая отчетность специального назначения за период с 1 января 2023 года по 31 декабря 2023 года Download
Financial statements for the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Download

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