ADB Representative Has Acquainted with the NRWSSDP Activities
On July 15, 2024, the Asian Development Bank Consultant Engineer - Mr. Patrick Laurin arrived to Kyrgyz Republic. The purpose of the Consultant’s working visit is to monitor the activities under the “Naryn Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Program” (NRWSSDP) implemented by the Community Development and Investment Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic (ARIS) and financed by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Asian Development Bank.
During the working visit on July 16-20, Mr. Patric Lorin together with ARIS Specialists visited villages in the Naryn region, where the Consultant monitored construction and installation works and activities of Municipal Enterprises in terms of operation of water supply systems in completed and ongoing subprojects, in particular, in the Orto-Saz, Ak-Kiya, Oruk-Tam, Tosh-Bulak, Zhalgyz-Terek, Zhan-Bulak villages in the Naryn District and in the Zherge-Tal village in Ak-Tala District.
In addition, the Consultant visited villages, where it is planned to implement design solutions for piloting the local wastewater treatment facilities (LWWTF). He inspected sites selected for installation of LWWTF and places for discharging treated wastewaters that were agreed with government bodies.
Based on the field visit results and following meetings with the NRWSSDP team, the ADB Consultant will provide its recommendations for the proper implementation of civil works, improving the efficiency of technical supervision, ensuring financial stability and sustainability of Municipal Enterprises operating the completed water supply systems.
Just for your remining, the ARIS NRWSSDP goal is to ensure reliable access to safe drinking water supply and improved sanitation for rural settlements in the Naryn region, the achievement of which will be ensured by such outputs as expanding water supply and sanitation infrastructure and piloting sanitation solutions, strengthening institutional capacity to improve sustainability in the rural water supply and sanitation sector.