31 May 2024

Oblast and Local Value Chain Specialists received training on transferring municipal property to business partners

The Community Development and Investment Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic announced a Training of Trainers focused on the mechanisms for transferring municipal property to business partners. This workshop was part of the Additional Financing of the Third Village Investment Project (VIP-3 AF).

The main objective of the training was to enhance the capacity of oblast and local value chain specialists and coaches on transferring municipal property to business partners and implementing economic and social subprojects under VIP-3 AF of ARIS KR.

Project specialists from Naryn, Chui, Issyk-Kul, and Talas oblasts attended the training. The program covered the mechanisms and necessary documentation for the process of transferring municipal property.

In the second part of the program, Oblast specialists presented reports on the Project's implementation. Local specialists provided detailed updates on activities and trainings conducted as part of the business mentoring program. They also discussed the next steps for achieving the Project's objectives and set new tasks for the effective implementation of VIP-3 AF.