Resettlement Framework Policy

Resettlement Framework Policy (RFP) defines key areas for designing of appropriate mitigation measures, including compensations for mitigation and recovery of detriments caused by impact of land allotment and resettlements determined by the planned project activities, the exact locations of which are not yet known. RFP is applicable to all UDP subproject that may impact in terms of resettlements, loss of shelter, loss of assets or access to them, loss of income or livelihood, regardless whether project affected people (PAP) need to resettle or not.

RFP will be used as a tool for identifying the results that Project affected location may have, and developed as a practical instrument for preparation of resettlement action plans (RAP) for subprojects during UDP implementation period. This document could be used by sectoral agencies, local self-government bodies; executive and implementing agency; project affected people, and all interested parties.

Resettlement Framework Policy

Temporary resettlement of Project affected people

The implementation of Subcomponent A 2 “Safety and Energy-efficient social infrastructure on a pilot basis” (reconstruction of schools and kindergartens) will temporarily impact social environment, therefore it is necessary to temporarily resettle workers and pupils to other institutes until the end of construction works. Improper organization of temporary resettlement may a long-term difficulties and negative socio-economic impacts. In order to prevent this and undertake early measure the “Social Impact Mitigation Plan affiliated with temporary resettlement of Project affected people”, that specifies the key mechanisms and procedures on mitigation of impacts.