It is highly unlikely today that anyone can dispute a need to remove barriers to the marketing and processing of livestock products in order to achieve a comprehensive and effective approach to development of the sector. The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic is carrying out a work to attract additional investment to increase the efficiency of agricultural production, to build the capacity of the processing industry and competitiveness of products of the whole agro-industrial complex in the livestock sector. Toward this goal, IFAD has been providing US $ 25.4 mln to support the Access to Markets Project (ATMP).

The Project task is improved assess and integration of smallholder livestock farmers with remunerative markets for their products, leading to improved and equitable returns. Key Project effective performance indicators are 28,000 rural households in the Project area that will increase their index of household assets ownership; reduction in the prevalence of child malnutrition at least by 10 % as compared to baseline.

Key performance indicators at the development objective level are value of livestock products sold by targeted farmers in the Project area that will be increase by 30 %; 2,800 decent jobs created (40 % women) through livestock-related farm work/processing-unit expansion and new rural enterprises.

The Project management will be carried out through APIU and ARIS, which are the two major institutions responsible for the Project coordination and implementation. Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) will be drawn up between APIU and ARIS, as well as between APIU and the other implementing partners, for which the APIU has responsibility.

Considering the typical models of the dairy and meat product value chains, it is expected that in terms of investments in equipment (loans and grants), the Project will cover about 25,600 direct beneficiaries, and 2,800 workers and farmers. About two-thirds of the total additional benefits will come to smallholder farmers, and their share from sold product will grow by at least 30 %.

Owing to improved selection and proper feeding, milk yield will increase by at least 25 %. In addition, it is assumed that after completion of Project's investment into development of value chains for livestock products, the state budget will be replenished in the form of taxes and fees withhold annually.

The Project will increase the profitability of small farms through involving them to value chains in livestock product producing, processing and sale at export markets. It is planned to create more than 70 chains for such products as milk (cows, mares, goats), red meat (large and small cattle, yaks, etc.), wool and beekeeping products. The project will also allow using the opportunities of financial institutions to finance the VCs, in particular, an agreement on cooperation with the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund was reached.

The project provides for the strengthening of the public and private sectors of the veterinary service through the repair/reconstruction of laboratories and their equipping with the necessary equipment in consultation with the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic; renovation of internal veterinary stations, purchase and installation of crematories for the disposal of biological waste in ayil aimaks and cities; strengthening the capacity of private veterinarians. The project will finance the international accreditation of veterinary laboratories. Support for research institutes for animal husbandry and pastures and veterinary medicine will continue.

It is also planned to build factories for the production of liquid nitrogen, and special vehicles were purchased to transport nitrogen for artificial insemination in the regions.

The investments made will contribute to the achievement of results and benefit from:

  • increased livestock productivity and increased livestock production through the use of improved inputs/technologies and expanded livestock production;
  • improved quality and safety of agricultural and food products;
  • reduction of losses during the production and processing of dairy and meat products through innovative technologies;
  • reviving and increasing the export of livestock products;
  • improved sanitary system of animals;
  • expanded access to larger and longer-term loans;
  • an increased level of employment either hired or family labor in both agricultural and non-agricultural activities;
  • tax revenues resulting from an increase in the volume of taxable products.

As part of the implementation of the VIP-3, implemented by ARIS with the financial support of the German Development Bank (KfW) and the International Development Association (IDA), the VIP-3 team developed effective mechanisms to address issues associated with measures to protect against social and environmental impact, as well as monitoring issues during construction.

Project beneficiaries – project affected persons (i.e., those who will and/or may be directly or indirectly, positively or negatively affected by the Project), and the general public can contact us verbally or in writing.

The document guiding and regulating the World Bank’s (WB) Environmental Policy (Operational Policy (OP) 4.01 on Environmental Assessment) was used as a basis.

Environmental Assessment is one of ten "precautionary policies" that projects submitted for World Bank funding must comply with. Key policies have been adopted to ensure, minimize and mitigate the potentially adverse social and environmental impacts of WB-financed projects.

Ten safeguard policies adopted by the WB define its lending requirements for projects in relation to:

  1. Environmental Assessment (4.01);
  2. Natural Habitats (4.04);
  3. Pest Management (4.09);
  4. Cultural Heritage (4.11);
  5. Forests (4.36);
  6. Safety of Dams (4.37);
  7. Involuntary Resettlement (4.12);
  8. Indigenous Peoples (4.10);
  9. International Waterways (7.50);
  10. Disputed Areas (7.60).

The purpose of an environmental assessment is to assess the potential positive or negative impacts of a sub-project/micro-project on the socio-ecological environment, determine the measures needed to prevent or minimize potential negative impacts that could harm people or the environment, and provide a basis for overseeing such measures during the implementation of the Project.

Some of the risks associated with the project activities will manifest themselves in the form of dust, noise and vibration, the movement of vehicles and machineries, the dumping of building materials and the accumulation of demolition waste and debris, improper disposal of construction waste, asbestos, minor operational and accidental leaks of fuel, poor-quality restoration of construction sites upon completion of work, and occupational health and safety during work performance.

For each sub-project/micro-project, in accordance with the ESMP, an individual Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) or an abbreviated ESMP (ESMP checklist) will be prepared, taking into account the specifics of the site and depending on the scope of work and complexity of the project, with the integration of a set of measures on social and environmental mitigation, environmental monitoring and institutional responsibility. The individual ESMP will be an integral part of the bidding documents.

The guiding document for the development of appropriate mitigation measures and compensation for land acquisition and resettlement impacts caused by the planned project activities is the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), which is developed based on WB OP 4.12, publicly discussed and agreed with the WB, published domestically (December 2014).

The RPF will serve as the basis for all activities involving land acquisition, restriction of access to land or services, and loss of property. Potential impacts from the Project will be identified through the RPF, indicating the degree of the potential impact (temporary or permanent) on land use/access to land or facilities, and the amount and procedures for compensation and resettlement assistance will be determined.

For each specific sub-project/micro-project, if necessary, specific Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) will be developed based on the recommendations and procedures presented in the RPF document.

The RAP will be drawn up based on the RPF procedures in consultation with the project affected parties. The prepared RAPs will be sent to local authorities and interested NGOs and PAPs for comments. After inclusion of the comments received as a result of the disclosure and approval by ARIS management, the RAP, according to the RPF procedures, should be formally submitted to the World Bank for review in order to ensure compliance with OP 4.12 and other relevant policies/procedures. After public hearings, the document is planned to be made available on the ARIS official website.

The purpose of the public consultation is to inform local residents about the sub-project/micro-project, and during consultations, residents are invited to express their opinion on any negative environmental or social issues that, in their opinion, may arise during the implementation of the sub-project/micro-project. Any reasonable issue raised in public consultation should be included in the ESMP. Thus, people's opinion will be taken into account and reflected during the implementation of the sub-project/micro-project.
Since August 2017, ARIS has implemented a Beneficiary Feedback Mechanism (BFM\GRM). Now the beneficiaries can apply for any issues related to the implementation of ARIS projects, including the VIP-3 project.

A manual has been developed, which sets out the procedures for considering appeals and complaints, assigns responsibilities between ARIS officials and describes the mechanisms for addressing all appeals from beneficiaries. This manual covers all ARIS-implemented projects, all ARIS staff and consultants must adhere to its requirements.

All appeals and grievances from citizens that will be received within the framework of the VIP-3 will be sent to a single system for further processing and control (in writing or verbally through the BFM channels), while ARIS staff are obliged to recieve and log this document in accordance with the terms of the manual.

More detailed information about the channels for submitting appeals can be found at the following link