On establishment of the Community Development and Investment Agency
of the Kyrgyz Republic
To put into practice arrangements on attracting investments for poverty alleviation, development and support of private entrepreneurship within the National Strategy for Poverty Alleviation, and to strengthen activities of local governments and empower local communities and community organizations in compliance with the National Strategy On Decentralization of Public Administration and Development of Local Governance of the Kyrgyz Republic until 2010, as well as to implement the Village Investment Project developed on the basis of agreements with the International Development Association; and following subparagraph 10, paragraph 1, Article 46 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic I enact:
- To establish the Community Development and Investment Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter, the Agency), taking into consideration the intentions of the Union of Legal Entities“Association of Local Self-Governments of Villages and Settlements of the Kyrgyz Republic” and of the Public Association “Counterpart-Sheriktesh”.
- To designate as co-founders of the Agency: the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Union of Legal Entities“Association of Local Self-Governments of Villages and Settlements of the Kyrgyz Republic”, and the Public Association “Counterpart-Sheriktesh”.
- To approve the attached charter of the Agency. Further changes or amendments to the charter shall be executed in accordance with the procedures foreseen by the Charter of the Agency and by the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic.
- To appoint Elmira Sultanovna Ibraimova as the Executive Director of the Agency.
- To confirm that the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic shall:
- transfer the Village Investment Project Preparation Unit under the Prime-Minister’s Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic, including the staff and material and technical assets available under disposal, into the composition of the Agency;
- assist the Agency in its state registration according to procedures established by the legislation;
- within one month period address the issue of transferring an office facility in the form of a separate building;
- within one week period bring its decisions in conformity with this Edict.
- To determine that the Agency is the assignee of the Village Investment Project Preparation Unit under the Prime-Minister’s Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Agency is established in the form of an autonomous non-commercial legal entity, in the form of an institution, to provide financial and other support to local communities and community organizations on the basis of relevant grants, allocated financial assignments, as well as proceeds of loans, credits and grants from international organizations, donor agencies and other institutions providing financial resources.
- To determine that supervision over implementation of this Edict shall rest with the Organizational Work and Public Administration Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic.
- This Edict takes effect on the day of its signing.
The President
of the Kyrgyz Republic A. Akaev
Bishkek, Governmental House
October 15, 2003
PE # 330