Audit reports:
Bokonbaev str. 102, Bishkek,
Kyrgyz Republic
The Village Investment Project (VIP) is the first and one of the most successful ARIS projects. In 2007, Mr. Roger Robinson, the head of the World Bank office in the Kyrgyz Republic, noted that the Village Investment Project financed from funds allocated by the World Bank to the Kyrgyz Republic was among the top 3 projects financed by the World Bank around the world in 2006, and also emphasized that ARIS can serve as a model for many organizations in the republic. “There would be no success in the implementation of such a project as the Village Investment Project if there were no such agency as ARIS in the Kyrgyz Republic”, said Mr. R. Robinson.
Aims to improve access to basic services, such as water, solid waste management and other urban infrastructure, along with energy efficiency and seismic resistance technologies.
The objective of the urban development project is to improve the quality of municipal services and pilot energy efficiency and seismic resilience retrofits of urban infrastructure in participating towns.
The Project has been initiated by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) (Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development acting as an administrator). This Project was ratified by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on July 14, 2015.
The Loan Agreement for the Sustainable Villages Project was signed on June 25, 2014 between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah.
The goal of the Livestock and Market Development Project 1 and 2 (LMDP-1 and LMDP-2) is to contribute to the reduction in poverty and enhanced economic growth in pasture communities in Naryn, Issyk-Kul, Osh, Batken and Jalal-Abad Oblasts of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The LMDP development objective is to improve livestock productivity and to enhance climate resilience of pasture communities in the Naryn, Issyk-Kul, Osh, Batken and Jalal-Abad Oblasts that will be reflected in improved and equitable returns to livestock farmers, which should ultimately lead to reducing the poverty and increasing economic growth in rural communities.
The Kyrgyz Republic (KR) and International Development Association (IDA) have been cooperating on long-term basis to overcome poverty and promote sustainable development and economic growth in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Main development objectives of Sustainable Rural water Supply and Sanitation Development Project (SRWSSDP) proposed are to assist the Kyrgyz Republic (i) to improve access to and quality of water supply and sanitation services in the Participating Rural Communities; and (ii) to strengthen capacity of the Recipient’s institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector.
NextHeat Supply Improvement Project (HSIP)
Demonstrating the benefits of energy efficiency improvements in public buildings is aimed to improvement of access to reliable and efficient services in heating and introduction of energy efficient technologies to reduce energy consumption by state and municipal institutions, education and health sectors.
Project objective is to improve efficiency and quality of heat supply in selected project areas in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Main objective of Project is to improve energy efficiency and seismic stability in selected public buildings, mainly, in health and education (for example, in schools, kindergartens, hospitals and clinics).
NextCASA-1000 Community Support Project (CSP)
CASA-1000 Community Support Project Additional Financing (CSP AF)
The Project Objective is to engage communities in the development of social and economic infrastructure in order to enhance services, livelihoods and inclusion in target oblasts near the CASA-1000 Transmission Line.
The CSP covers 77 villages that lie within the corridor of impact in Jalal-Abad, Osh and Batken Oblasts. The additional Financing for CSP covers the rest of 150 AAs of Jalal-Abad, Osh and Batken Oblasts.
NextRegional Economic Development Project (REDP) in Osh oblast and Osh city
The Regional Economic Development project will support regional economic development, acceleration economic activities and promotion of urban centers as growth engines. Accessibility and connectivity between rural and urban areas and within regional markets will also be improved, and regional and local capacity will be increased. Together, these initiatives will contribute to poverty reduction and shared prosperity in the Kygyz Republic.
The project development objective of the RED is to support the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (GoKR) in enhancing regional economic development through targeted activities in selected sectors in Osh oblast and Osh City. Through this, the project will support the economic and regional development of Osh oblast, helping to create jobs for growth and poverty reduction.
NextAccess to Market Project (ATMP)
Given the urgency of issues of the National Sustainable Development Strategy for 2013-2017 in the area of agro-industrial processing through sustainable economic development and macroeconomic stability, as well as the fact of joining the Kyrgyz Republic to the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), where the country agricultural sector has been facing new problems and new opportunities, an agreement was reached with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) on attracting additional investments to improve efficiency of agricultural production, on capacity building for processing industry and competitiveness of products of the entire agro-industrial complex in the Kyrgyz Republic livestock sector.
NextRural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project (RWSSIP)
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement in Batken and Talas Regions Project (RWSSIP BT)
The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project is currently being implemented in 25 villages of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The project development objective is to assist the Kyrgyz Republic in (i) improving the access to and quality of water supply in targeted rural communities, (ii) improving sanitation services in selected villages, and (iii) strengthening the capacity of institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector.
NextNaryn Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Program (NRWSSDP)
The proposed Asian Development Bank (ADB) assistance contributes to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic’s national development strategy, 2018–2040, goal of clean water and sanitation for all.