Naryn Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Program (NRWSSDP)
The proposed Asian Development Bank (ADB) assistance contributes to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic’s national development strategy, 2018–2040, goal of clean water and sanitation for all.

The government’s state (nationwide) program for the water and sanitation sector, the Program for the Development of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems in Settlements (PDWSSSS) of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2016–2026, is aimed to improve access to safe and quality water supply and sanitation (WSS) services in all settlements.2 The government program sets out the strategic and policy framework to develop WSS infrastructure and services, and improve the capacity of government departments, agencies, and operators for the sustainable delivery of WSS services. The focus of ADB’s operation is a results-based approach to support the government program to achieve inclusive and reliable access to safe water supply and improved sanitation for rural communities.

The government program in expanding access to safe water supply and improved sanitation for rural communities in Naryn province, as requested by the government. The challenges in Naryn province include (i) poor infrastructure; (ii) intermittent water supply and poor water quality; (iii) inadequate sanitation, mainly the use of a pit, with attendant pollution risks; (iv) inadequate local structures for operations and maintenance; and (v) a general lack of skilled personnel and funds. The Naryn Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Program (NRWSSDP or the “program”) will therefore support infrastructure construction and rehabilitation, backed-up by measures to strengthen the capacity of the Community Development and Investment Agency (ARIS), the implementing agency, operators, and improve the sustainable management of the WSS facilities.

The results-based lending (RBL) modality is the most suitable for this program since (i) there is a clearly defined scope for development partners support; (ii) given ADB’s prior involvement in rural water supply and sanitation (WSS), the RBL modality provides the opportunity for all stakeholders to work together and demonstrate strong commitment to achieving verifiable results; (iii) the modality is able to incentivize institutional strengthening in procurement, internal audit function, and sustainable operations and maintenance (O&M) of WSS facilities at the community level; (iv) the strengthened mechanisms will pave the way for future stepped-up engagement in the sector; and (v) the RBL modality will sharply reduce transaction costs, given the multiple small transactions at village and district level required by the program.

The program’s outcome will be inclusive and reliable access to safe water supply and improved sanitation for rural communities in Naryn oblast.

Funding sources: 


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Total amount of funding:

USD 32 900 000

ADB loan amount:

USD 13 700 000

ADB grant amount:

USD 13 700 000

Government contribution:

USD 5 500 000

Coverage area:

Naryn oblast

Implementation period:

2020 – 2027

Two output level results will contribute to the outcome: (i) water supply and sanitation infrastructure expanded and sanitation solutions piloted, and (ii) institutional capacities strengthened for enhanced sustainability in the rural water supply and sanitation sector.

The program activities include (i) potable water supply infrastructure and distribution networks; (ii) improved gender-sensitive water and sanitation facilities in health and education facilities; (iii) piloting of non-networked household sanitation solutions; and (iv) institutional strengthening in procurement and financial management, and support to water supplies and utilities services entities (WSUs).

The RBL program will be implemented from January 2020 to December 2026. The Department for Drinking Water Supply and Sewerage Development (DDWSSD) will be the executing agency and will be responsible for overall monitoring of the program results. ARIS will be the implementing agency.

The indicators of the Naryn Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Program: 

  • By 2026, at least 64,000 people in the villages of Naryn oblast use potable water.
  • By 2026, at least an additional 13 village schools/kindergartens and 8 health facilities are served by improved gender-sensitive water and sanitation facilities.
  • By 2025, detailed design of infrastructure is completed for 43 villages.
  • By 2024, infrastructure components for water supply and distribution networks are in place for at least 64,000 people.
  • By 2023, non-networked, household sanitation solutions have been piloted in at least 2 villages with minimum combined total of 660 households.
  • Procurement manual developed and implemented for the RBL program from 2020.
  • By 2026, 100 % of internal audit staff and finance staff of ARIS are trained in internal audit and financial management, respectively, by a nationally recognized institute.
  • By 2026, WSUs are fully operational and financially sustainable, with at least 20 % female participation in WSUs, and 40 % female participation in WSU-related trainings and public consultations.