The Supervisory Board membership comprises representatives of state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic, representatives of LocalSelf-Government Bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic, and representatives of civil society as embodied in legitimate and registerednon-governmental organizations.

The Supervisory Board is composed of the following members:

(a)  Seven representatives of state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic:

  • A Representative of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic appointed by the President of the Kyrgyz Republic from the staff of the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic or Management of the Presidential Affaires of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • A Representative of the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic appointed by the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic from the members of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic or from the staff of the Prime-Minister’s Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • The Minister of Economy and Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic (ex officio);
  • The Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic (ex officio);
  • The Minister of Education,  science and  youth policy of the Kyrgyz Republic (ex officio);
  • The Minister of Health Care of the Kyrgyz Republic (ex officio);
  • A Head of one of the oblast state administrations of the Kyrgyz Republic — a Governor appointed by the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

(b)  Seven representatives of local self-government bodies:

  • The Chairperson of the Association of Local Self-Governments of Villages and Settlements of the Kyrgyz Republic (ex officio);
  • The Executive Director of the Association of Towns of the Kyrgyz Republic (ex officio);
  • Four representatives of local self-governments of rural communities (Aiyl Okmotu heads) who are elected by the Association of Local Self-Governments of Villages and Settlements of the Kyrgyz Republic at a meeting of the Association;
  • One representative of local self-governments of urban communities (mayor or town council head of small towns) who is elected by the Association of Towns of the Kyrgyz Republic at a meeting of the Association.

(c)  Seven representatives of civil society:

  • The Board Chairperson of “Counterpart-Sheriktesh” Public Association (ex officio);
  • Six representatives of registered Kyrgyz non-governmental organizations who are nominated by the Executive Director and approved by a simple majority of the other members of the Supervisory Board.

The responsibilities of the Supervisory Board are:

  • to guide and supervise the activities of the Agency in accordance with this Charter, the laws and regulations of the Kyrgyz Republic, and legal agreements concerning the activities of the Agency;
  • to appoint and, if warranted, dismiss the Executive Director of the Agency (in accordance with paragraph 35 of this Charter);
  • to approve the Agency’s policies, modifications and amendments to the Agency’s Charter, the annual budget and working plans of the Agency and any modifications to them, annual reports of the Agency, reports on special studies, and independent auditors’ reports.

The Supervisory Board has no right to interfere in the operational activities of the Agency. The members of the Supervisory Board have no right to act on behalf of the Agency.

The members of the Supervisory Board are obligated to keep loyalty with respect to the Agency. They may not act in any manner that is in contradiction to this Charter or that is likely to damage the material or non-material interests of the Agency.

The first meeting of the Supervisory Board is organized by the Executive Director within two weeks following the date of the state registration of the Agency as a legal entity. Members of the Supervisory Board bring appropriate authorizing documents to the first meeting.

The Supervisory Board, at its first and constituent meeting, (i) co-opts the six representatives of non-governmental organizations, and (ii) elects a Chairperson and two Deputy Chairpersons of the Supervisory Board. The Chairperson and the two Deputy Chairpersons are annually reelected from among the members of the Supervisory Board, by a simple majority of votes of the Board members present and voting. The Chairperson and the two Deputy Chairpersons are elected from the three different constituent groups represented on the Supervisory Board (representatives of state institutions, representatives of local self-government bodies, and representatives of the civil society) to ensure that each group is represented either by the Chairperson or by one of the Deputy Chairpersons. The Chairperson and the two Deputy Chairpersons are newly elected each year from among the members of the Supervisory Board by a simple majority of votes of the Board members present and voting.

Members of the Supervisory Board do not receive any salaries, fees or other compensation from the Agency for carrying out their activities as members of the Board, and they may not receive any salaries, fees or other compensation from any other source for serving on the Supervisory Board.

Members of the Supervisory Board may receive compensation from the Agency for expenses incurred as a direct consequence of their participation in Supervisory Board meetings; this means: travel expenses, hotel expenses, and a per-diem sitting allowance.

The Supervisory Board conducts its activities on the basis of this Charter and in compliance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and legal agreements concerning the activities of the Agency.

The meetings of the Supervisory Board are held at least once every six month. They are chaired by the Chairperson, or in his/her absence by one of the Deputy Chairpersons. Special meetings can be called at the request of (a) the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, (b) the Executive Director of the Agency, or (c) any two members of the Supervisory Board. A quorum of the Supervisory Board occurs when more than 50 % of the members are present. Unless specifically provided otherwise in this Charter, decisions of the Supervisory Board are adopted by a simple majority vote of the members present. If the number of votes is equal during the voting, the vote of the chair is decisive.

All Supervisory Board members shall receive written notification of any meeting of the Supervisory Board at least ten working days before the date of the meeting. For a special or emergency meeting, this notification may be provided to the Board members at least three working days before such meeting. The notification shall contain the agenda of the forthcoming meeting; all necessary documents relevant to the agenda should be attached.

Minutes of the Supervisory Board meetings are kept and are subject to be endorsed by the person chairing the meeting and provided to all Supervisory Board members and the Executive Director.

The organizational and logistic arrangements of the Supervisory Board activity are ensured by the Agency.

A member of the Supervisory Board of the Agency may not participate in voting on issues where he/she has direct or indirect pecuniary interest.

A member of the Supervisory Board can be removed from the Supervisory Board in case of frequent and unexplained absence from Supervisory Board meetings or of causing or having caused significant damage to the interests of the Agency in any form. Dismissal of a member from the Supervisory Board requires the vote of at least two thirds of it members.

A Supervisory Board member may resign from the Board upon his/her own initiative.