Access to Market Project (ATMP)
Given the urgency of issues of the National Sustainable Development Strategy for 2013-2017 in the area of agro-industrial processing through sustainable economic development and macroeconomic stability, as well as the fact of joining the Kyrgyz Republic to the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), where the country agricultural sector has been facing new problems and new opportunities, an agreement was reached with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) on attracting additional investments to improve efficiency of agricultural production, on capacity building for processing industry and competitiveness of products of the entire agro-industrial complex in the Kyrgyz Republic livestock sector.
Goal: the Project goal is to contribute to increased incomes and enhanced economic growth in pasture communities.
Task of the Project is improved access and integration of smallholder livestock farmers with remunerative markets for their products, leading to improved and equitable returns.
Sources of Financing:
Total Project Budget: |
USD 55,4 mln |
including: |
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD): |
USD 25,4 mln from which: |
Contribution by a financial service provider – loans from Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund (RKDF): |
USD 20,0 mln (36 % of total Project expenditures) |
KR Government contribution: |
USD 1,6 mln (3 % of total Project expenditures) to cover taxes |
ARIS Budget: |
USD 8,4 mln |
Beneficiaries’ contribution: |
USD 8,39 mln (15% of total Project expenditures) |
Geographic coverage: stakeholders from all regions of the Kyrgyz Republic can participate in the Project.
Implementation Period: 2018-2023
The Project consists of the following Components and Sub-components:
Component 1: Livestock Value Chains Development will support increased management skills, improved access to modern technology, as well as enhanced linkages and partnerships amongst livestock value chain actors (producers, aggregators, traders, processors) through:
- Capacity Building of Livestock Value Chain Stakeholders;
- Product Aggregation Enhancement;
- Platform for Public-Private-Producers Partnerships Development and Knowledge Management.
Component 2. Livestock Value Chains Financing consisting of the following two Sub-components:
- Access to External Credit Lines;
- Innovative Financial Products.
Component 3. Upgrading the Kyrgyz Livestock Sanitary System consists of following three Sub-components:
- Strengthening the State Veterinary Sanitary System;
- Strengthening the Private Veterinary Practice System;
- Strengthening the Supporting State Institutions, that will upgrade the sanitary system of the Kyrgyz Republic livestock.
Component 4 – Project Management is carried out through:
- Agricultural Projects Implementation Unit at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Melioration of the Kyrgyz Republic (APIU);
- Community Development and Investment Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic (ARIS).
Expected outcomes: The investments made will contribute to achievement of results and benefits from:
- increased livestock productivity and increased livestock production due to improved inputs/technologies and expanded livestock production;
- improved quality and safety of agricultural and food products;
- reduced losses during production and processing of milk and meat products through innovative technologies;
- reviving and increasing the export of livestock products;
- improved animal sanitation system;
- extended access to larger and longer-term loans;
- increased levels of employment, either wage-labor or family work, in both agricultural and non-agricultural activities;
- tax revenues as the result of increasing the volume of taxable products.
In accordance with inner state procedures, the Financing Agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and IFAD on financing the ATMP was signed by the Minister of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic on August 21, 2017.
The subsidiary agreement between the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic and ARIS of the KR was signed on October 19, 2018.