Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project (SRWSSDP)
The Kyrgyz Republic (KR) and International Development Association (IDA) have been cooperating on long-term basis to overcome poverty and promote sustainable development and economic growth in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Main development objectives of Sustainable Rural water Supply and Sanitation Development Project (SRWSSDP) proposed are to assist the Kyrgyz Republic (i) to improve access to and quality of water supply and sanitation services in the Participating Rural Communities; and (ii) to strengthen capacity of the Recipient’s institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector.
The proposed Project is designed to scale-up water supply and sanitation investments and service delivery models, to new project areas, and to support the implementation (and enhance where necessary) of the Government’s sector strategy for the rural water sector. The project will build-upon the analytical outputs and lessons derived from implementation of previous water supply and sanitation sector projects (including RWSSP-2) and seeks to harness the momentum and demand for change generated through the successful implementation experience over the last 2-3 years of the RWSSP-2.
The proposed Project will support the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to implement strategic actions and to create a programmatic framework which will guide the investment planning and implementation process. In addition, the project will take full advantage of opportunities to reduce extreme poverty by working in rural areas and extending piped water services to predominantly low-income households.
Sources of financing
Donor: |
International Development Association (IDA) |
Funding amounts: |
Mane project: (IDA № D138-KG Grant; |
26 364 000 USD |
Additional financing: (IDA № D204-KG Grant; |
36 323 900 USD |
Geography of coverage: |
Chyi, Issyk-Kyl, Osh regions |
Terms of implementation: |
Main project: 2017-2023 |
The Project includes the following four main Components:
Component 1: Water Supply Infrastructure. This component will address the needs for rehabilitation of existing and/or construction of new water supply systems in the target areas. The component will finance goods, works and services and will include civil and electrical/mechanical installations for water supply production (boreholes, well-fields, intakes, etc., as well as disinfection, and pumping as required), and transmission and distribution (networks, storage, meters, etc.) to households in the project areas. This component will also finance the consulting services to prepare detailed engineering designs and bidding documentation, including the technical supervision over construction activities in order to ensure the quality of works.
Component 2: Sanitation Development. This component will finance goods, works and services to provide strategic support for improved sanitation within the target rural communities and to enhance the Government’s strategy for improved sanitation in rural areas. In addition, the Component includes technical advisory activities to maintain improved sanitary conditions at the household level. The component will also support the development and implementation of a communication strategy and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) educational campaigns to promote improved health and hygiene practices, including specific information, education and communication (IEC) materials related to water quality and safety disinfection. The Sanitation and Hygiene Training Programs will be introduced through the school education system and in communities in order to support improvement of knowledge, attitudes and practices in this field within the Project area.
Component 3: Institutional Strengthening. The Component will finance goods and services to strengthen sector institutional capacity at the national and local levels. The specific activities will be carried out in order to assist the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in making informed government decisions aimed at developing, modernizing and reforming the water supply and sanitation sector, including implementation of the Kyrgyz Republic Government Strategy in the water supply and sanitation sector. The Component also focuses on building capacity of local authorities and service operators, such as CDWUU in sustainable water supply and sanitation system management.
Component 4: Project Management. This component will finance the project management costs of ARIS related to salaries of administrative personnel and staff, including the charges to Social Fund of the KR, consultancies, and equipment costs, the M&E program, safeguards specialists, and financial management, including internal and external financial audits.