Environmental and Social management framework
Environmental and Social management framework (ESMF) is prepared for UDP and complies with World Bank’s requirement on environment assessment under the operational policy OP 4.01. The document was approved by the World Bank. This ESMF includes the procedures and mechanisms that will be applied by the Project to ensure the conformity with the World Bank's environmental and social safeguard policies 4.01 “Environment Assessment”, legislation and regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic, that cover the preparation and fulfillment of environmental requirements. ESMF will ensure the environmental and social sustainability of the subprojects during the whole cycle of their implementation, and provide ARIS’s engineers and consultants with an appropriate institutional and regulatory-technical basis for future processes and procedures. This document could be also used by beneficiaries and stakeholders of the Project.
Environmental and Social management framework
Environment and Social Management Plan
Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) was prepared for UDP subprojects, that complies the World Bank’s requirements related to environment assessment under the operational policies OP 4.01. The documents were approved by the World Bank. ESMP contains mitigation measures, monitoring programs and organizational measures undertaken at the construction and operation stage to prevent negative environmental impact and reduce them to an acceptable level. The main objective of ESMP is to ensure appropriate mitigation of different negative impacts related to the Project. This document serves as a guide for engineers during the Project implementation, and also for contractor organizations to fulfill the environmental requirements during construction-and-assembly and starting-up and adjustment works. This document could be used by Project’s beneficiaries and stakeholders.